Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Senseless Ramblings by Yours Truly

It's amazing how life creates a path all its own, one that doesn't stick to the plans that you've made, one that may be, in fact, the exact opposite of what you had planned. 

I left high school determined to do something with my music, to play my viola to my heart's content. 

I changed my major to study politics, not knowing whether I wanted to be a politician, or if I simply wanted to support them. 

I then decided research was the place for me, social science research in particular.

And now...

Now I am pursuing a career which has not a damn thing to do with my degree (BA in Political Science) but which I am more excited for than I have been for any other career path before it. 

Most people think retail will get you nowhere, and in most cases, that proves to be true. Only, though, because people fail to see the potential in retail positions. 

Take me, for instance.

I started out as an ice-cream girl, and now, I'm pursuing an Account Manager position at Staples, the biggest office supply chain in the world. 

What I have learned, through all of this, is that it is not important what we want to do, or what we think we should do or will do, but what we are doing. 

The things we do each and every day are the things that are going to make our future decisions. 

Just being good at my job taught me to love it, as well as the people I work with and for, and now I have the opportunity to go even further, to become someone who I never dreamed I could be.

I have realized that I enjoy helping people (well...most people...) and that while I may not be America's #1 Car Salesman, I am great at presenting people with the best product they can possibly get for their needs. 

I have gained this, and many other skills, through years of working retail, and it, more than my education, has gotten me to where I am today, in the top 2% of my chain, with the opportunity to go corporate, for a company that treats its employees incredibly well. 

I guess...

The moral of the story is: don't worry about the future, the future will come to those who want something in life, those who work hard and persevere. 

The Craziest Housewife